Moving Applocker control from Group Policy to Intune
Lately I've been trying to migrate a lot of GPOs to Intune so that our endpoints don't have to depend on a VPN for updating policy. Applocker was an important one for us since VPNs are flaky and it's important that users be able to run updated software while away from the office network. Chrome once updated its signing certificate and because it auto-updates itself we had users who couldn't launch Chrome until they were able to get connected to the VPN and run a gpupdate. I already had the plumbing in place which allows Admins to upload files to a file share and have them automatically added as whitelisted to the Applocker GPO . Now I just had to move the enforcement of the GPO into Intune. I decided to keep the dependency on our Domain Controllers merging the changes into the Applocker policy since there are some pretty good Powershell commands that take care of that. The GPO for Applocker is still being updated but is only used for Intune to pull from and turn int...